Tag Archives: nsfw

I’m pretty sure this counts as NSFW

There are a couple of motivations behind this bit of stitchery.

Firstly, I wanted to stitch some profanity. Well, actually, just more profanity, since I’ve stitched the word “fuck” many times now. BUT, people seem really inured to that word now. Small children shout it in the streets. Whereas the word I’ve stitched – well, for a lot of people, it’s still well beyond the pale.

Secondly, I wanted to stitch something that would provoke wildly different reactions in people. This has, on the whole, worked. So far I’ve had a whole range of reactions; everything from awkward silence, nervous giggling and conservative nostril-flaring, right through to flat-out laughter and requests for the pattern. I count this as a success.

Thirdly, I wanted to use some of the fabulous yet way-too-large fonts from the antique pattern library. They really are too huge for anything except four-letter words – the finished stitchery is 9 inches wide.

And lastly, I wanted to do some feminist-style word reclamation. I’m no Germaine Greer, but when I found this elegant, swirly, girly font, I couldn’t resist. Because really, if any word should be girly, it’s this one.


So please – share your reactions!

(As a side note, this is also my first serious attempt at framing my embroidery. I think it went rather well, all things considered – especially the fact that the frame only cost me $2, and I have another two that match. Op-shopping crafty bits is certainly the way to go!)


Posted by on April 30, 2010 in Craftiness


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